04 April 2010

Sturm und drang Saturday

So, according to the accounts of theologians greater than I, this is the day that our Lord harrowed the nether regions. Busy busy busy.

Well up here in the somewhat more hospitable climes, the wind howled, but the rain and the snow did not come. Still, we hunkered down in the morning as if it might. Then I went into town to pick up the latest issue of Rhubarb (pictured here), a publication of the Mennonite Literary Society (no hyperbole intended). Please look for it in fine bookstores near you, or use the link above to subscribe on our website. This issue feature the work of writers and artists (I know, they're just artists) under 30 years of age. If you know me, then some of the names you might recognize in this issue are: Laura Boutet, Sean Braun, Teresa Braun, Lori Dueck, Genevieve Krahn, Demetra Penner, and Laura Schmidt.

On another, more adventurous note, I dream of doing a trip like this some day, and documenting it in some way that would be as lasting and interesting as this short film. In Europe would be the best, but I think a maritime Canada trip would be wonderful as well, and likely easier for tenting.

Short ride today: 30 ks: 421 to 30 to 243 (return)
(with GeeVs) Wind N 30 - 50

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