06 May 2010

It's not time to sleep ... yet

So it's hard to focus on writing. The radio's playing (I should head over to it and turn that Jian Ghomeshi off). I feel like I should be getting to bed. My eyes are getting red. Usually about now things slow down, and if I can hold sleep off (Why you ask? Why not?), I'll get a kind of second wind. And then I can read or write for a good while yet, and not feel tired in the morning.

How are you in the morning? It does take something for me to get out of bed, and then it takes a bit more work to get me going, but once I'm up, I'm good to go. Sometimes I believe that, for me, the amount of sleep is not as important as that I get some deep sleep. And I can usually get that going. My most difficult sleep issue is usually getting to sleep. Which is why I often put off trying to sleep. I mean why try, if you're going to just lie there and end up wondering whether you should just get back up and do something more productive.

There are times that I try to convince myself that lying there, eyes closed, not sleeping, is kind of the same as sleeping. It's not though. Once I'm out though. I'm out.

So yesterday, at 1 AM I started reading Philip K. Dick's Eye in the Sky. I could have read for a long time, but by 1:30 AM I told myself it was ridiculous. So I turned off the light. This is always a point of contention between me and Margruite, who is a light sleeper, and for whom a light on, no matter how low the wattage, is problematic.

So it goes.

Ride in           Temp -1'C  Wind NNW 10 ks
Ride home     Temp 9'C    Wind NW  15 ks


Renae Friesen said...

If I had a husband, and his reading light was keeping me awake, I'd throw his book against the wall.
However, I'd probably be playing video games until 4:00 am anyways. So this would possibly be an unlikely situation.

dan said...

Hello there mr. PK. Mallory showed me a video that I thought you might find interesting. here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vc_PU3D3QNE

have a good one. keep it real.