07 December 2011


In two recent situations, I believe I exercised it.

1st - Between Movember and Nomomo two of us (sitting in a bar of course, still fully moustachioed and under a little bit of influence) dared each other to go to work looking like this, for one day:

I didn't do it. The better part of valour and all that. 

2nd - A week ago our good Winnipeg (and France and just all 'round good) friends offered to barter/sell us the first piece of handmade antique furniture (they're prolific and discerning collectors) they ever purchased - an 1860s pine cupboard and hutch from Quebec. We said yes, and here it is, taking its place in our kitchen (which saves me the trouble of building something half-assed and less than half as good!)!

Two wise decisions in a week! I'm on a roll!

Ride report
in:      -9'C wind 15ks SW
out:   -10'C wind 20ks W

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