12 November 2010

Winner winner!

The cutting of beef went well. If it is tedious work to cut flesh from the bone, it is best to do it in good company. The company of two families (of two brothers) who have done it as a Fall rite for more than 30 years is just the kind of company that is good! I won't go into the details of the cutting, or of how much gristle and fat got into the hamburger, but I will say that it was also good to take part in the preparation of food for the winter. This, like this family Fall rite, is an art that we leave almost completely to the local grocer, who depends on the multi-national supplier, who cares much more about profit than food quality. So here's to all the families around here who still slaughter, butcher, and package their own meats. I hope we'll join the ranks soon.

The poker went well tonight too. I finished second in both games and, despite an embarrassingly dumb gaff in the first (why check when you can fold and give the hand away?), played reasonably well. It didn't hurt that the cards seemed to be on my side, for the most part. Good cards can make anyone seem to play well.

It was a memorable day.

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