30 May 2011

Bike rides & rock shows

On a bike ride a rock show

Photo surreptitiously (and gleefully) provided by CH - Thanks!
could happen. (Yes, that is me, on my own ass, with my bike above me - let's move along folks! Nothing to see here!).

At a rock show, without falling on your ass, these guys

could show up, and this guy

might play for you, and this dude

could sing a few songs, and this machine

could transform itself from ugly to this,

and this,

and then these guys could do their thing some more,

and this dude


Such as they are, bike rides and rock shows have few things in common. But I like them both! A lot! Other than that I have no idea what it all means!

Ride report
in:          10'C wind 15 ks NNW
out:        10'C wind 15 ks NNW (A quick turnaround and a short day!)

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