12 June 2010

The dealio

After a hard day of marking provincial exams, what could be a better eugoogaly for the day than to sit down to watch Zoolander? This is a rhetorical question. If you've seen Zoolander, you'll just nod and wonder how I can be expected to teach children to learn how to read if they can't even fit inside the building? Or you'll just want to tell me what a bad eugoogoolizer I am. Whatever?! You can save what you want for me, I'm not taking any of it. I am sphereically this close to being able to derelicte those babies off for another year! Yeah man! That's the dealio! That's the freak fest around here, yo.

Ride in       Temp 10'C Wind NE 10 ks
Ride home Temp 13'C Wind E 15 ks

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